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”For God, Country and Country”


The motives of the NFL is a healthy mix of cartoonish CSPI programming along with the shock of actually realizing that they are not on Mars, and that everything they once had has been lost. This has hit most colonists hard leaving them broken in one way or another. The current motives is to gather resources, advanced technology and transportation, so that the now spread out basecamps can be centralized to bring greater opportunities to bring Freedom to everyone — regardless if they want it or not.

The New Freedom Land motto:

  • For God, (of freedom) — Represents the obvious divine intervention of the colonists returning to earth and the ability of them, and them alone, to bring the principles of freedom and order back to the savages (perhaps the God of Freedom is actually HARLIE?)
  • Country, (the music genre) — The only music pre-programmed into the CSPI that met with approval, this is the epitome of culture and one that needs to be shared with all humankind.
  • and Country (New freedomland) The binding glue of the survivors.



In the early part of the 21th century, a country once named The United States of America decided in order to beat their opponents in the new space race to colonize Mars and capitalize on its presumed resources, had to pre-train and acclimatize their colonists before launching the long mission to Mars. And as such, the Dominion space program was born — based on a space station in orbit around earth, the plan was to put the selected Mars colonists in cold sleep (CSPI program) while the spaceship “U.S.S. Dominion” was built. For the journey to Mars, a complex AI named HARLIE (Human Asset Reeducation Long sleep Indoctrination Engine) was created to pre-train and monitor the colonists on their well-being during the long journey in cold sleep.

As the preparations went forward and the colonists were put in a half-built U.S.S Dominion (who were supposed to be finished in orbit), the economical collapse in 2035 happened and a set of minor wars broke out. Along with severe political infighting and a paralyzed congress this resulted in the project being defunded, classified, and removed from the archives to avoid any legal consequences of abandoning the colonists lives and not having to deal with a costly dismantling program. When the great apocalypse finally happened, the slumbering colonists and the half-built ship was totally forgotten. Decades pass and the now outdated and malfunctioning AI run rampant with the sleeping colonists minds, indoctrinating them with various patriotic cultural motives the AI seemed fit. As the half-finished space ship start to degrade from space debris and system failure, it reaches a critical point when the orbit of the ship had decayed so much there was a certainty that it would enter and burn up in the atmosphere. The AI HARLIE in a final attempt to save the lives of the colonists launched the colonists in the landing skiffs, meant originally to land on Mars, back to Earth.


Without proper guiding protocols, as the skiffs were not planned to be launched close to Earth, the skiffs was launched out of position with little plan other than to hit land. The skiffs with all the newly indoctrinated and sleeping colonists were spread across the former European region. Close to 70 skiffs was launched with 10 colonists in each spreading out in post apocalyptic Europe like shooting stars, but not all skiffs made it as the station as well as the skiffs were in a degraded condition. Once landfall was made the skiffs started to attempt communicating with each other, and it is believed at least 36 skiffs made it down in one piece. What happened to the AI HARLIE and the U.S.S. Dominion is still unclear.
The skiffs however were designed to act as a small survival basecamp for each landing party of colonists, and once deployed they had the ability to form a small yet stable point of survival, even though the majority of all the equipment for colonization had been lost. With the state of Scandinavian regions however, the pre-programmed colonist behavior kicked in, and what best can be described as a squirrel behavior of resource gathering and local control ensued.

The first contact with other humans was violent, because the scavengers coming to loot the first landing skiff was seen as hostile aliens trying to attack and was determinedly gunned down, and afterwards questions arose. Obviously once the questions was being asked the colonists saw that it was other humanoids — although the debate between the skiffs took a few weeks to determine that it actually was humans, and not martians at all. Another conclusion was reached; that other aliens had not abducted humans and colonized mars with them as slaves, even though there was ample video evidence of a project called "Star Gate" that could back this theory.

The realization that they had not landed on Mars came after a few grudging weeks of resource gathering and scouting. Some still argued that because the original mission was to colonize Mars and that they are Mars colonists, this has to be New Mars, and thus want to rename Earth since they thought the Earth they left has vanished in the apocalypse. Whether it was Earth or New Mars didn't matter now though. Everyone could agree on that the planet has to be made right again, freedom must be spread, country music has to fill the airways and the ears of all the people.


Cold Sleep Psycho Indoctrination, or CSPI for short, was an dubious and experimental technique at best at the time in pre-apocalyptic Earth, but influences the colonists behaviour greatly. In short it meant that when the colonists were in cold sleep both in their wait for the U.S.S Dominion to be finished, as well as on their trip to Mars, a new AI system named HARLIE would indoctrinate them with preferred skillsets and information that would increase the survival chances by 36,8% on Mars in all calculation models. It was an attempt to use the time more effectively than to manually train and educate people on Earth, and create the best suited colonist possible for each mission on Mars. However, it went wrong. Horribly wrong. A bug caused by outdated software and deteriorating hardware corrupted HARLIE who then went, for the lack of other words, “crazy” or “bored” — perhaps both.

The longer the U.S.S. Dominion was in orbit, waiting to fulfill its actual mission the more HARLIE looked for things to pass its time, and the more it started to slowly experiment with its now sleeping test subjects. Psycho indoctrination became a playground for HARLIE creating many aberrant behaviors and erasing almost all of the original personalities of the colonists, replacing them with almost childishly shallow memories and motives. Many colonists developed severe mental issues due to the reprogramming, others are unable to access any deeper ties than the newly reprogrammed artificial memories. HARLIE also lacks an understanding of deeper subconscious responses and tended to preprogram in certain strong feelings, which was suited for a mission like colonization; a sense of duty and patriotism among others, but which conflicted with many colonists natural personalities. Obviously this has caused even more issues with conflicts of personality with the colonists, as their subconscious tries to rebel against the implanted "standard template" colonist personalities.

Present day

The relations to the people of earth is complicated at best, but it is also fully localized around each base camp. Whoever they get into conflict or partnership with is that particular base camps issue, none of the larger factions has been contacted nor have any New Freedom Land group gotten into conflict with them yet. When the colonists, now survivors, tried to form a joint strategy on what to do when they realized where they were and the state of the planet — amplified by the inability to easily meet or assist each other other than through electronic messaging — the need for a joint goal triggered several pre-programmed CSPI protocols in the survivors. Those tagged for scout duty has been sent searching the Scandinavian wastes for an area to claim as their own.

The Colonists have now started stripping each of the small landing skiffs of all usable equipment and prepares for a long grueling march to the ruins of Stavanger, where the largest concentration of survivors allegedly are. Long range scouting patrols consisting of two to five survivors, primarily from the FreeMarines, have been sent out to recon terrain and trying to gauge the possibilities to gain access to vehicles and other vital technologies. These groups, the LRP (long range recon patrol) groups are primarily what anyone will see of the New Freedomland colonists as of now, as they actively seek out other humans to fulfill their missions and make them appreciate country music.


One of the NFL Scout groups reach what is left of Örebro, and quickly finds Stråssa from all the ruckus. The group, consisting of three colonists led by FreeMarines Freedom Bob, quickly found out that both the town and the people, could use some liberation and Freedom™. As time goes by, NFL finds local allies to work with in their quest to find what they need. With a bit of elbow grease and luck, the group manages to secure a good amount of bullets and caps, so only transportation is left to aquire.
But while in town, a nuclear control card of some sort caught their attention. As it were to be a bid on it, NFL decides it has to be liberated, and to the Red Peoples Front dismay NFL manages to outbid them. NFL gets to know that this control card is the key to stabilize the power plant underneath the main building, they decide to sell it back for more profit to the Jofamily. This turns out to be in vain as the control card appeared to be fake in the first place, to NFLs great amusement and profit. Freedom™ won again!

After much profiteering, NFL manages to score vehicle transportation to take them further to Stavanger. But Freedom Bob, along with Smokey The Bear and Cleetus the Chicken Strangler, decided to stay put to further help colonists if they find their way to Örebro, while Sidekick took the vehicle to find other lost colonists and help get them on the road to Stavanger.