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The Dukhi(TM)
Dukhi brand.png
Pride will kill you far quicker than any enemy
You must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest one to fool. Or you will die...
Agenda Bringing prosperity to the Dukhi through rational decisions.
Government Matriarchy, Independent clans with a coordinating council
Techlevel Widespread low tech but with a small scientific heart on the rise
Trade High quality Mercenaries, Certain medical drugs
Language Af Dukhi, English
Ethics Strict code of honour, though based on rationality and pragamatism
Out of Game
IRLCounterpart Spread throughout middle east.
Contact malte@valfarden.nu
DISCLAIMER. Find Dukhi lore and culture for the 2024 larp Outpost Elysium on the official webpage https://www.outpostelysium.com/the-larp/characters/dukhi-culture/. The info on Dukhi below is outdated and for documentation purposes only. Even though some is the same, you should read the new docs and ignore the bbr wiki-page you are visiting now, to avoid confusion.
"Fayr rasta, so’o ijfal"

Shoot true, run fast"

- The closest thing the Dukhi has to a "blessing"
"Badi Khoob, Award Khoob, Mord Khoob"

Live well, fight well, Die well"

- What the Dukhi tell their young

The Dukhi is a warrior people made up of different clans scattered across what was previously known as Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The harsh but reinforcing truth

"Listen to the wind and smell the death and dry sand. Feel the heat and the thirst, the stinging blaze of the sun. Accept all these things and then accept that you will die. It might be in an hour, it might be in years. That is the truth my daughter. The warrior does not fool herself, she strives to see as close to the truth as possible. Look to your friends to find your weaknesses, and work with them to improve. The life is short and hard, but if you accept that you can find joy. Joy in the moment, joy in love, joy in the fight. Face uncertainty with curiosity, face fear with rationality. Face the fight with the storm that is the human mind. Listen and smell, watch and consider. Take the reality in as it truly is and make your decision. What kind of warrior do you want to be? The people awaits your decision."

- Yasmin Shah Malik, to her fellow matriarchs before the forming of the coordinating matriarch council.


The Dukhi sprang from conflict. Tales talk about war and strife even before the great Calamity. When the world fell, the surviving clans continued fighting each other. It is believed the cause of the conflicts was religion and pride, prestige and greed. False truths that tore kinsmen apart and threatened to destroy what was left of the people living there. Finally a few clans banded together, combining strength and resources under the name Dukhi. Instead of wiping out the other clans, the new alliance offered a hand of peace. The road towards that goal was rocky and many conflicts ensued. Through a series of surgical attacks and a constant offer of amnesty they managed to quell the last pockets of resistance and the rest of the surviving members of unruly clans were welcomed into the Dukhi. And so they became one people.

The clans kept their own tribal names, bonds and individual differences but they all decided to put the people first. The first Matriarch, the warleader Yasmin Shah Malik, uttered the words in the old language, “Ist'ukla Dukhi” - We are Dukhi. What the word Dukhi means is not even known to the people, it is simply who they are.


A hard home builds a hard people. Build them too hard and they will break easily.

Dukhi historians are in agreement that one common thing caused the many years of fighting before the people united. The clans led by men, who were in an almost absolute majority, perished early in the fighting. The clans led by women, or where women took over after the deaths of the Patriarchs, managed to navigate the bloody years much more efficiently. It is told that the first matriarchs were the ones to shake of the yoke of tradition and religion, the ones to let prestige and pride die and take the first steps to unite the clans. They were faster to the negotiation table but were never afraid to fight.

All but one of the first clans who formed the Dukhi were matriarchal, and as the fighting continued, the final one also changed their leadership. The lesson the Dukhi drew from this was that the women of the clans had proven themselves superior leaders. Thus the new society that emerged from the unification of the people was a matriarchy where almost all the leaders were women. There were still a few men in the ruling ranks, but they were and have remained few in numbers. Even though the Dukhi started to rely more and more on evidence and sound arguments, history spoke true when it came to who were the better leaders. Yasmin Shah Malik was to be the first and only matriarch to hold absolute power. The stories tell that she gathered a council with three representatives from every clan. Three so there could always be a discussion, one of the three always took the role known as "gap award" - The voice of conflict - whose job it was to argue against the other two, to shoot down and test their arguments.


All Dukhi need to be able to fight for the people, no matter their gender. Dukhi women are trained as matriarchs; leaders, warriors and military strategists. Men are warriors, teachers and caretakers.


Most Dukhi choose polyamory. Monogamy is rare. A woman often has children with several men, and who knows how many children a man has sired. No one keeps count and every child is welcome. Dukhi clans and communities help raise Dukhi children. Men are traditionally caretakers and teachers. After birth, women soon return to their duties. Dukhi men step in to nurture children during the first few years of life. After that it is different in every family. The child is always the responsibility of the entire Dukhi clan.

Families are made up of all different kinds of constellations across genders. Limiting love and relations without rational arguments not the Dukhi way. The only tradition is that it is the women who set the terms and conditions of a relationship. There are marriages, when two or more people choose to be official partners (“we agree to love each other the most until the day we don’t”).

The love for friends or fellow tribesmen can be as strong as the love for a romantic partner, only different. Jealousy is a prideful and negative emotion that most Dukhi find preposterous and bad eteram.


The Dukhi clans have different views on technology. They are all science-oriented and positive to rational new ideas and views. Regardless, they have always kept one thing true for all clans; "war is simple". You should not rely too much on technology, but rather on your mind and hard training. Thus some clans are cautious to introduce new technology into warfare but more positive in the civil areas, especially medical technology.

Culture of honour

Aki of the Dukhi Tribe (2147) Photo by Niklas Sandström

In the Af Dukhi language the word eteram means a great many things. The closest definition would be "the right way", which of course is hard to define. Eteram means everything from respect to strength to humility. Eteram is something you can gain and lose by actions, words and thoughts.

The word can be used in many different contexts, and is very subjective. The only common thing is that every Dukhi strives for good eteram.

Example of uses;

"Eteram!" as an answer to an good idea or deed, for example when someone has made a very fine shot.

"Shooting prisoners does not bring eteram, my walall!"

"Walall, letting these prisoners live will harm the mission. It is a hard decision but eteram to make it."

"You have no Eteram!" as an answer to something bad, word or action.

"Show some Eteram!" urging someone to be better.


The Dukhi are clear atheists. Some are more tolerant towards religions or cults but in general the Dukhi people distrust anyone who does not base their arguments on reason and evidence, or at least the admission that they don't know. For Dukhis, to be religious is considered equal to being foolish.

The Warriors

The Dukhi has a very strong warrior culture and define themselves as a warrior people. Regardless, they are always open to new views and rational decisions. To abstain from a fight for the right reasons is almost as highly celebrated as taking a fight for the right reasons. You should always be prepared to fight and fight hard, but fighting for your own pride and prestige is viewed as foolish and bad eteram. Some of the warrior band clans drift more towards a more romanticized view on war while some other clans are drifting to a more defensive or even slightly pacifist view, although the absolute majority see fighting as a good thing for the people's survival. Being a atheist society, the Dukhi also acknowledge the horrors of war and thus many warriors get jaded and the romantic views are usually contained. Glory of war is not a positive thing.

All Dukhi train as warriors but those whose full time function is to fight wars push themselves and each other as hard as they can. Failure can be the death of a comrade but the warriors still try to make room for mistake and help each other improve. They strive for a shared consciousness and purpose with independent warriors rather than a large concentrated force. Small bands train hard together and establish strong bonds. Ferociousness in battle is balanced with tenderness between battles, when warriors often discus feelings and philosophy in length around a fire and preferably with some chai tee. Dukhi mercenaries have a very good reputation among other people.


Attall of the Dukhi Tribe, scout of Info Direkt (2144). Rightmost photo by Niklas Sandström

A mix of desert style warriors ranging from the berber tribes in northern Africa, over the Middle East to Afghani Mujahideen style. Variations include clothes more geared towards soldier life, a life lived in the desert or traditional homelands Dukhi styles.

Inspiration board on Pinterest here.

Headwrap or pakol-style hat is common. All Dukhi use some nuance of blue in their clothing or face paint. It symbolises clean water, a very valuable resource.


The Dukhi convoy is about survival. A strong enemy rose in the south, sometimes referred to as The Destroyer. After years of guerilla war waging and border skirmishes, the enemy has now crossed the great river advancing towards the southern tribes of the Homelands. The war in the south might soon be lost. Dukhi expeditions were sent into the wastelands in every direction to scavenge for tech, weapons and build military alliances.

Summary, 2145 (2016)

A lone Dukhi scout, Attall, was sent to negotiate terms with the Water Federation or prove them wrong. When the Water Federation was founded Dukhi was cast out from the community, questioning the gods of the federation. Sadly Attall went missing. Rumors say he fell victim of the Federation's Captain Leia de Marco's hand. The details of this bloody misunderstanding is yet to be unfolded.

Summary, 2146 (2017)

The Northern Expedition arrives at Valkyria Outpost (Stråssa). Technoklan Kindeman (Techno-Korps Lindemann, or “the Germans”) marched outside the camp and engaged our neighbours, The Hansa (or “the other Germans”). Dukhi matriarchs pulled them to the Dukhi camp, forcefeeding them with chai and chickpea stew. Many visitors followed and the Dukhi camp was often open to guests, welcoming them for a cup of chai or some food. The Dukhi made great friends with a lot of people because of this hospitality.

There was a sitdown with the Water Federation to negotiate alliances on the war in the south, making attack plans to engage the common enemy Dieselcossacks and Petrol Caliphate. The Dukhi men tended to the guests needs while the matriarchs negotiated terms and military strategy.

The Dukhi ran a caravan with 100 or so caravan guards employed, five cars and a moped escort. A driveby. Road bombs. Snipers attacking. Secret boxes exploding. Traitors amongst the guards. A runaway car who stole the cargo.

Summary, 2147 (2018) Aki, Ghulam and long time Dukhi friend Loods, were joined by a new Matriarch, Hoya Asha Dhar, Ghulam's sister. Along with fresh leadership, she brought with her instructions from the Matriarch Council to test an experimental ritual hypnosis called jadid taqis (or The ritual of refreshment). This ritual would attempt to instill sleeper agent qualities in other people, to test if they could be useful in combat as a resource in the Homeland war. They tested the ritual successfully several times the following week.

No sooner than the Dukhi camp was set up, a man approached and claimed Nanawatai (the traditional, protected asylum). At first he was welcomed in, but when it became clear that he was a Chaosist, there was much debate. It became such an issue that the Dukhi held a Council of One Voice three days later, to decide whether or not they stayed with tradition and their promise, or let the man, who obviously abused their hospitality for his own agenda, go without the rights of the nanawatai. The decision of the Council was to respect the tradition and Dukhi rules.

The Dukhi fought good and hard during the Wrecking, fighting for the Omega and the French. Their war cry became a staple of the wilderness. They met many smiling people, delighted to see the Dukhi again. New friends were made and old friends became enemies when The Machine Dogs backstabbed the Dukhi and gunned them down in their own camp under the guise of a meeting between friends.

It was a difficult season for the Dukhi, a time filled with doubt and emotional choices, events and deep, important conversations.

Summary, 2148 (2019)

Summary, 2149 (2022) The Dukhi returned to Stråssa for another season, with four attending Dukhi members. It was a low impact season, but the group was trying to learn more about mutants, at the request of the Matriarch Council. Additionally, they signed an alliance with Nova in which the two groups agreed to stand ready to aid the other if needed.

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