Folkkommissarie Igor Levchenko

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People's Commissar Igor Levchenko in Sestra Strana (2148).
Russian paperwork (2148).
Red People's Front claiming vengeance on Svarta Svärden (2148). Photo by Cajsa Lithell
Volunteer Commissariat Troops, recruited from Casino Backen (2148). Photo by Pia Jansson Bröner
Hailing the comrades in the fort (2148). Photo by Pia Jansson Bröner
Krasny Narodny Front prior to their glorious defeat in the wasteland (2149). Open Source
Mustering the Red comrades for a decisive battle (2149). Photo by Fredrik Tveskägg

In the year 2148, Folkkommissarie Igor Levchenko of the People's Commissariat Against Counterrevolution and Espionage (H.K.B.A.) of the Red Peoples Front was tasked to avenge a most heinous crime perpetrated against the memory of 10'000 dead Comrades. A Finnish flag bearing a black sword was discovered to be planted in the glass crater of Vladimirograd (formerly S:t Petersburg, Leningrad and Petrograd). This disgusting defilement of the dead could not go unpunished for long, and so Krasny Narodny Front sent out a fuming Levchenko to Stråssa through Sestra Strana, carrying with him a mission for comrade Captain Vadim to muster his troops and allies and strike against Svarta Svärden like lightning.

And so Vadim did, having his soldiers mow down the Black Swords on Dukhi Avenue as the tired Finns accidentally walked right into the Red Peoples Front troops, on their way to a morning duel with the Karg Brothers. Svarta Svärden did not even have time to draw their weapons before Russian lead hit them like a hailstorm at point-blank range.

Comrade People's Commissar Igor Levchenko could be heard roaring his credentials and mission orders, barking at the Black Swords for their monstrous disrespect of dead enemies, and spitting at them for their baleful slaughter of all Russians in Karelia. Comrade Captain Vadim concluded this succesful vengeance operation with a thrice-roaring "OORAAAH!" in loud unison with all his troopers and allies. Levchenko left the RFF fort in Stråssa with compliments on the local Front's decisive action, ability to organize and skill at forging a network of dependable alliances.

Folkkommissarie Igor Levchenko apparently recruited three members of Casino Backen as volunteer Commissariat troops, serving under Vadim's command with the regular Front soldiers. Their identities remain a secret of state and party to this very day.

In the year 2149, Comrade People's Commissar Igor Levchenko returned to Outpost Valkyrie in order to muster the local fighters of the Front and recruit willing mercenaries. After holding a fiery speech filled with hatred toward the murderous Finnic White Guards of Svarta Svärden, Igor and the RFF marched out out with heavy firepower and banner unfurled to the wind. With a mighty "URRA!" the comrades were all mowed down in a clone soldier ambush out in the wasteland.

Igor himself was shot in the heart while yelling vengeance for the defilement of Vladimirograd's glass crater. Sinking down to the ground as his valiant comrades fell like true martyrs of the Revolution, Levchenko was looted by the cunning Magpie. Losing blood quickly, he began hallucinating about being trapped inside a mass grave of dead comrades in Karelia. Magpie revealed his Finnish identity, which were horrid words to die to. At last, the victorious Black Swords arrived where Igor had fallen. With knives they desecrated his true-believing Bolshevik flesh with malevolent tortures, before they dragged Folkkommissarie Igor Levchenko up on his knees. Igor managed to shout out "Long live the Revolution!" before the rough clone soldier Arvid cut his throat with a knife. Commissar Levchenko collapsed in a red heap, and the last words his ears heard were Stekerii Ebhen's victory cry: "Death to the Russian!"

Remember the glorious fallen! Avenge the Party's martyrs!