Kill Town

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Foul-mouthed Sons of Satan (2147).

Satanistic lawyers from what was once the country of Denmark. Tricked in 2147 by Konduktör Én into believing his voice to be that of the devil, whereupon they rushed out in the middle of the night to attack Kumlamilisen (yet chickened out). Also participated unwittingly in Konduktör Én's betrayal of Pansarvargarna.

Devil's Voice (2147)

Panzer Wolf infiltrators. Note the broom at the back (2147).
Kill Town, the devil's lawyers who believed Konduktören's voice to be that of the devil (2147).

On one occassion, Konduktör Én joined a group of adventurers on the fly, since there seemed to be violence on offer, and he is always searching for violence. Unbeknownst to him, these turned out to be cunning Panzer Wolf infiltrators working with drug-controlled wild mutants as superweapons, but even when this stood clear, he followed them into the field anyway. These infiltrators soon joined a large band of Panzer Wolf troopers, and placed an ambush out in the woods. In this forest, Borstis took one woman and one man captive, and herded them in front of him with his sword. Since he owned no rifle, he acquired two by these hostages, and planned to point with his sword for them where to shoot. However, the ambush was ultimately spoiled, and the party broke up. Konduktör'n returned to Stråssa and thought no more about it, but this joining forces with the Panzer Wolves would come with consequences.

In 2147, Kvasten camped as neighbours of Kill Town, a gang of satanistic lawyers from what was once the country of Denmark. They were tricked by Konduktör Én (following hasty night tent repairs) into believing his voice to be that of the Devil, whereupon they rushed out in the middle of the night to attack Kumlamilisen as ordered (yet chickened out).

Together with the Vibe-Raiders, Kill Town also participated in Borstis' unwitting betrayal of Pansarvargarna. This started when Konduktör'n (at last, after so many years of trying!) found a group willing to attack the other raiders from behind during a large battle against the Panzer Wolves. This willing and able group, were the Vibe-Raiders, and their neighbours in Kill Town followed suit. The infamous deed was carried out when they stayed behind to guard the right flank during an offensive against the Panzer Wolves led by Leo. On this sparse right flank, a few scouts seemed to lurk in the bush, looking into the forest. When the lead scout (the leader of the Panzer Wolf infiltrators) went up to Butch of the Vibe-Raiders and advised them to follow the main force into the sandland, Butch laughed and replied that they'd guard the flank instead. As the lead scout went back to his companions in the bush, Konduktör Én asked Butch if he should cut the lead scout down. "Yes, sure!" was Butch's command. Sköldis ran up and cut down the lead scout from behind to the utter surprise of the other scouts, who were mowed down by the Vibe-Raiders and Kill Town. These had however not been scouts, but Panzer Wolf infiltrators, and the next instant two large wild mutants, accompanied by Medibot 44637, appeared, and attacked them. Vibe-Raiders and Kill Town swore, shot and kited these mostrous killers away from the sandlands, where they should have attacked Leo's fighters from the rear. The carefully laid plans of Pansarvargarna were destroyed because Konduktör'n had finally found willing accomplices in a mass betrayal, that didn't go according to plan.

In response, the furious leader of the Panzer Wolf infiltrators gathered a raid party of 20 on the spot, and unprecedently burst through the pallisade front gate of Stråssa in the dark of the evening. They were on a hunt, and their only true target was Konduktör Én. This group carried with them a wild mutant serum, with which they infected a number of unfortunates in the confusion of the evening darkness. Yet they found their real prey, when Sköldis burst out from his tent, sensing violence in the air. The infiltrators knocked him down and injected serum into the hated Konduktör'n, whereupon the arch-traitor roamed the streets as a drooling and hissing monster, before being shot down, carried to Renovo hospital and evenutally cured of the serum. Nevertheless, Konduktör'n had been the sole reason for this attack of the Panzer Wolf infiltrators into the slums around Sinterverket in Stråssa.

Subsequently, Kill Town shot Konduktör'n at first sight to keep him at a secure distance. They wanted nothing more to do with the Idiot.

Nevertheless, Benny Buer (Medic Coagulant) and Azmodaniel of Kill Town ended swept up in Konduktör Én's Lion Hunt of 2147, when Leo was lynched.