Meat Carvers

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If you sense the smell of human meat, sizzling in its own fat on the barbeque, fresh from a murdered corpse, then you are soon to meet the Meat Carvers.

A merry band of fun loving cannibals, roaming the wastes looking for fresh (or semi-fresh) meat to work their culinary magic on. Otherwise creating mischief or conducting dark rituals to their even darker gods...


The Major

Age: 204 years.

Birthplace: Cryo Chamber III

Air force captain Johan Frisk, today only known as "The Major", awoke in a cryo chamber about two years ago. As part of the "Exsurge Project", his mission originally was to survive a nuclear war, resurface and organize the survivors. Sadly the AI guiding the facility did not deem the surface of the Earth habitable for two hundred years. The prolonged cryosleep widely exceeded the designers intention and caused severe neurological damage on Frisk´s brain. The person leaving the bunker was not the same person who entered. Among the skeletons of his former colleagues, he found a teddy bear. A speaking teddy bear who started giving him orders. In the dormitory he found a toy lizard, which also spoke words of command. As a matter of fact every stuffed animal he came across demanded that he´d free them and add them to a fur suit he was required to wear. As the chatter of animal voices grew in his head, so did his insanity.


Age: 195 years.

Birthplace: Cryo Chamber IV

Another unfortunate survivor of the "Exsurge Project". Confused and brain damaged, Tor crawled out of the cryo chamber trying understand where and above all, who he was. The first thing he encountered was a comic book about an ancient hero wielding a mighty hammer of the gods. Manically Tor read the book over and over again, slowly realising his true identity... Since that day, he and The Major has walked the wastelands fulfilling quests given them from everything from stuffed animals to ancient and dark gods. Tor is a merry, violent and hungry fellow with a lound laugh and a big beard.


Age: 25 years.

Birthplace: The Wasteland

Vega is a fierce fighter for mutant rights in a world without actual mutant hate, She has finally found a use for the human race as the cattle they are, good God let´s eat!


Age: 39 years.

Birthplace: The Shelter

Growing up in total isolation in his (since long deceased) parent´s underground bomb shelter, Hekto has led a secluded life, reading the same books from the small library hundreds of times each. Forced to leave home after the last can of pinapple was consumed, Hekto has wandered the Wasteland full of awe and wonder of the topside world.


Age: 24 years.

Birthplace: She vagely remebers a worn caravan and the smell of funny plants.

Julie is a pacifist with a rather skewed idea of what pacifism is these days. She can be helpful towards others one day, but the next become your worst enemy. At one time she was mentored by the horrible mutant Kruger which did nothing to clarify the concept of pacifism. Most of the time you can find her strolling the streets of Stråssa with her head in the clouds.

Butcherbot Mk II, aka "Spunky"

Age: 178 years.

Birthplace: Mega Scan Slaughterhouse, Building 3B

A lightning strike in the ruins of the Mega Scan Slaughterhouse would have unexpected consequenses. In the underground charging station where it had rested peacefully in a 175 years, Slaughterbot Mk II was reaktivated. It left the bunker, scanning it´s surroundings. Due to an atomic bomb having swept away the complex above ground, it´s geo-restrictions had gone as well. It made the analysis that the factory floor now encompassed the entire world. The planet had become a slaughter house.

Sadly, all livestock on Earth had been turned into crispy bacon many years ago. The only people Butcherbot had ever encountered during is´s existence was Mega Scan employees, so it drew the conclusion that to be considered human, you had to work for Mega Scan. Everyone else was cattle.

For a year, it roamed the wasteland, butchering and dismembering everything in it´s way. Covered in industrial grade armor, the nearby settlements could not stop it and covered in fear of the beast haunting them.

It´s reign of terror finally ended the day a curios cannibal cultist named Vega, lured by the traces of blood and gore, found Slaughterbot Mk II´s well cut up and packaged meat storage. Vega immediately began frying meatballs to surprise her fellow cannibals, but when she looked up she stood eye to sensor with the robot. Instead of preparing it´s sawblade, the machine remained silent. For the first time in many years someone ate the meat it had prepared. And cattle did not eat cattle. It had found a real person, it had found it´s Mamma Scan.