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The Visby Militia
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The militias’ history stretches back to the foundation of the trading company, Gullstäutarna, since the traders needed people who could defend them and the company’s wealth. But since 2145 they have risen to the forefront of the company, waging a guerrilla campaign against the Chaosistsm, Nova, anyone trading in slaves and assorted other parties.

Exactly how the current leader, 29, came into power is not widely known outside of the company. The previous leader and prophet, Gauken, disappeared some weeks after the Panzerwolf assault on Syntherwerket and at the same time the events at Linköping was starting to build up. Being close allies to the Holy Church the company decided to act and put their militia to work, helping to clear out the city. After the gruelling and bloody campaign the city was once more in the hands of the church, but 29 now had a much more loyal following among the troops and he had been given a vision during the fighting. He was to be the new prophet who would guide his people into the Promised Land!


The Militia and the trading company still retain their nomadic ways, although the relationship between the two has changed somewhat. The main purpose of the trading company now is to support the military campaigns of 29, which also includes a lot of raiding against slave caravans. The purpose of those raids are twofold: first, slavery is seen as wrong and something that the Spirit of Gotland would not look favourably on. Secondly, they provide manpower to the militia and the traders. The freed slaves are highly encouraged to join up with the Militia and pull their own weight, everyone contributes to the holy struggle.

While the company has access to some vehicles, they’re seen as too valuable to risk on the field of battle and remains in use primarily for the traders who need to haul goods. It’s also rumoured that they have an outpost with a chemical lab and vast pre-war stores of chemicals.


The religion of the trading company as well as the militia is centred around the idea of Gotland as a promised land, one that has been kept from its faithful since the world ended. But you are granted a place there upon death, if you have been a faithful and pious person in your life, or if you died fighting for Gotland against Valdemar and his demon hordes.

Aside from the Holy Spirit of the Island of Gotland there are some other saints, deities and spirits that they hold in high regard. Primarily is the Saint Tjelvarsdottir, who held back Valdemar and his demon horde when they tried to sack Visby. She became a Martyr in the struggle, but she did succeed in imprisoning Valdemar on Fårö. The Militia see her as their patron saint as well as an example to live up to, after all, even a person with nothing else to give still has their life to give.

God/Jahve/Allah is also seen as a deity, although one that is so far removed from human affairs that praying to it is like shouting into the wind. They’re the creator and ultimate being, but not one who interferes in human day to day affairs. Jesus is also venerated, but as a deity for all of mankind rather than any specific group, so prayers to Jesus is more about being thankful for what few good things remain. The old saint of St. Goergy the Dragon is especially popular among the soldiers, as it is seen as a strong a noble creature who gave its life to defend a princess from a robber baron.

There are other gods and saints aside from these, pretty much all views on gods and saints are accepted as valid. Some are just seen as more valid and true than others.


Whenever they launch an attack on a target, it usually comes in three waves. The first wave consists of the new recruits and people who haven’t proven themselves yet. Equipped with primitive melee weapons, some black powder weapons, the odd modern pistol and some explosives as well as gas.

If this probing attack succeeds in gaining ground or inflicting reasonable casualties on their foe, then the next group steps onto the field. The proven soldiers, equipped with gear that they have looted from their fallen foes as well as some choice bits that have been traded for.

When the enemy have been sufficiently softened up the veteran group takes to the field. They carry the best equipment with them as well as being proven fighters.

Copious amounts of drugs are sometimes used to motivate the troops. Not everyone is filled with the same zeal for Gotland right away, and that’s ok, but everyone has to be part of the fight. Forward lies glory and life eternal on the blessed island of Gotland and a person without anything else to give, still has their life to give in the fight against Valdemar and his demon hordes.

Once the day has been won, the support crew comes out. Their task is to loot the battlefield of anything that can be scavenged and repurposed for the greater glory of Gotland, nothing that can be used is left behind. The fights are given a first choice of what is brought in, depending on their deeds for the day. What isn’t used by the traders or the fighters themselves is sold off to pay for the struggle.


The militia doesn’t really have a solid uniform, since they don’t really produce any significant amounts of fabric or have access to any manufactories, they tend to scavenge for such things. Which has led to a rather chaotic and haphazard look where each member will be dressed in whatever they have managed to get their hands on, which they will then use until it more or less falls apart. They will also modify their outfits with whatever they think looks flashy or cool. Style is after all very important. The seal of the Rams Head with a gasmask can usually be found somewhere on their outfit though.